
There being little going on in the outside motorsport world that catches my eye I will give you an update on events going on here. By the way, I want to thank my readers, we have 43 countries logging in to read my blog now, makes me sort of humble. As I hope you've seen there are a couple of you writing very good comments and responses, and I would welcome more as it adds to the overall knowledge and information on events. I will always try and reply.
Life continues to be interesting. Contact from Saudi Arabia the other day about designing a club track, so we will see where that goes, and Singapore is still deciding who they want to use. Life could get very busy. Here in Arizona we are meeting with a variety of people about the project to sort out the corporate structure and to meet with prospective users to make sure we are including what they need at the track. I think I have a pretty good idea, but each group has its own "culture" of how they do things and we may as well sort that stuff out while its just on paper and not set in stone, so to speak. Had a great meeting last night with a local sanctioning body who were very excited about the project. The interesting thing was that the Race Director for the series, a man with a great deal of racing history, but who I had not met before, had been talking about me that afternoon in the context of track safety, with no idea he was meeting me that evening. Very small world is the world of motorsport, and I was flattered by his knowledge of what I have been doing.
So, so far so good, but I am sure there will be speed bumps along the way. The good thing is the developer has a passion for the sport and for creating unique projects, and has the drive and determination to make this happen. More meetings today with CPA and another car club, so we will see how that goes. At least we are moving forward and not spinning our wheels, which has been my feeling for a year now.
Murphy the Bear has a new blog out this week on the state of sports car racing and prospects for next year. A pretty bleak picture on the ALMS front. It will be interesting, is that the right word, to see who turns up at the next race at Miller, both on track and in the stands.
Mark Webber made an interesting comment after his big accident at Valencia. He said he was glad there was a tire wall there and not the Techpro barrier as there was in Singapore when he crashed last year. Now Techpro is supposed to be the next best thing for cushioning solid barriers, but I have heard some rumblings that despite their development at the FIA Research Center at Paul Ricard, owned by one Bernie Ecclestone, they may not work as well as the old tires. I have had a few clients tell me that they do not want tires, they do not like the look of them, but that is because the ones they see were not built properly. If they are done correctly as they are at the Barber track, or Imola, then they look great, especially if you paint them a nice shade of green. The point is they work, as strange as it may seem for something so low tech, when built correctly and put in the right place they are still a drivers best friend.
Life continues to be interesting. Contact from Saudi Arabia the other day about designing a club track, so we will see where that goes, and Singapore is still deciding who they want to use. Life could get very busy. Here in Arizona we are meeting with a variety of people about the project to sort out the corporate structure and to meet with prospective users to make sure we are including what they need at the track. I think I have a pretty good idea, but each group has its own "culture" of how they do things and we may as well sort that stuff out while its just on paper and not set in stone, so to speak. Had a great meeting last night with a local sanctioning body who were very excited about the project. The interesting thing was that the Race Director for the series, a man with a great deal of racing history, but who I had not met before, had been talking about me that afternoon in the context of track safety, with no idea he was meeting me that evening. Very small world is the world of motorsport, and I was flattered by his knowledge of what I have been doing.
So, so far so good, but I am sure there will be speed bumps along the way. The good thing is the developer has a passion for the sport and for creating unique projects, and has the drive and determination to make this happen. More meetings today with CPA and another car club, so we will see how that goes. At least we are moving forward and not spinning our wheels, which has been my feeling for a year now.
Murphy the Bear has a new blog out this week on the state of sports car racing and prospects for next year. A pretty bleak picture on the ALMS front. It will be interesting, is that the right word, to see who turns up at the next race at Miller, both on track and in the stands.
Mark Webber made an interesting comment after his big accident at Valencia. He said he was glad there was a tire wall there and not the Techpro barrier as there was in Singapore when he crashed last year. Now Techpro is supposed to be the next best thing for cushioning solid barriers, but I have heard some rumblings that despite their development at the FIA Research Center at Paul Ricard, owned by one Bernie Ecclestone, they may not work as well as the old tires. I have had a few clients tell me that they do not want tires, they do not like the look of them, but that is because the ones they see were not built properly. If they are done correctly as they are at the Barber track, or Imola, then they look great, especially if you paint them a nice shade of green. The point is they work, as strange as it may seem for something so low tech, when built correctly and put in the right place they are still a drivers best friend.
Reader Comments (2)
Firstly, Bob, please keep writing as you provide insights into racing from nearly all angles. With others contributing and commenting, it makes for very interesting reading indeed. An insider view of different worlds that most of us can old dream about. I consulted to the NSW Government for Western Sydney International Dragway - a go between between racers and beaucrats. Very interesting stuff, so I appreciate what you are doing.
Lastly, the same old arguments continue. Track owners/promoters want pretty for the cameras, their priority when in fact track safety for competitiors should be always be a main priority. As you say, the compromise is to the build and construct the low-tech tyre wall to protect drivers whilst still being somewhat asthetically appealing.
Keep on observing, doing and commenting. Long may you do so.
Second that Laynie, long may it continue.
As for deputising Bob, well that was a very kind offer but I think I'd view the prospect with the kind of nervousness and trepidation that I faced when being a best man(twice).
However, I'd be happy to join forces with Laynie if she was willing and you were unavailable.
I'm sure between us we might be able to deputise if need be, however people really need the real thing so Carry on Bob(please).