Wednesday, July 14, 2010 at 10:19PM
Well the loading of the truck and finishing packing took until after 8:30 last night, so everything ran late. Did not leave until 8am this morning and drive 12 hours and 820 miles with the car crammed full with the wife and the cat, knackered. I continue to be amazed at the amount of open space there is in the US with over 300 million people!
My daughter Dani came and visited last weekend and as we are all starting something new we celebrated by opening my bottle of 1989 Motorcycle GP port. Despite all the years and all the travel it was still good. Nice crust on the bottom. Finished it off last night.
Rossi to race in Germany, Valentino that is. As I say, I hope he is really ready.
Saw one of those things that make you wonder today. Four orange cones in front of damaged guard rail. Well, they will not stop you hitting it, and if you had the control to steer away from that damaged piece presumably you would have enough control to avoid it anyway!
Another ten hours tomorrow, so off to bed.
Reader Comments (1)
I hope your cat travels better than mine, ten minutes down the road to the vets and she's screaming. Thankfully this is a very rare thing.