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ALMS V's Indy

Not well today so I have spent it in bed watching football and racing. I know, but someone has to do it.

Did not see the Le Mans Series race from Hungary, but it is amazing that the LMP1 cars all failed and the Strakka HPD won the race followed by a bunch of other LMP2's. David Brabham could not pull off the same result at Road America, which lived up to the expectations of Last Turn Club and turned into a great finish. Drayson finally won a race on the last lap, but if Lord Paul had not insisted on driving the result would never had been in doubt. I loved the commentator that said "he is putting in some pretty fast laps within three seconds of the leaders!" Johnny Cocker was four or five seconds quicker than everyone else. You had to feel sorry for Cytosport who showed what they could do with two pro drivers. Lord Drayson started the race after Cocker put it on pole, and went from first to last in the prototype class in one lap. Give it up.

The race was 2 hours 45 minutes and it seemed to me that half of that time was ads. Has anyone ever put a watch on this? We then had some long cautions. I understood the first one, but when the Jaguar inevitably broke down and had to be pushed behind the wall did we really need what seemed to be ten laps under caution? Then there was the Porsche that hit the pit wall on the straight and moved it. We did not get too good a look at it, but it seemed to me that it separated like there was no pin in it? The time we did have the racing live we were treated to watching a continuous infomercial, Scott Atherton's obligatory fifteen minute free promo for how great next year is going to be, and coverage of the spec racers while we had great races in the two real classes. GT2 was not quite up to its usual standard, still good, but what happened to the Ferraris?

Over on Versus, V's, we saw the IRL at Sears Point. These guys treat you to a small screen showing the action during the commercials, but it was like watching ants crawl around. When most of the ads are for the IRL and for the channel,you have to ask about the value of the broadcast. And how do you go to an ad with five laps left and two cars racing for the win, and come back with two laps left! Our would-be F1 driver, Danica, says she is looking forward to getting back to the ovals. Last time I looked we do not race F1 on ovals? She did her usual stellar job.

Thank goodness we have Spa to look forward to next weekend.

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