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Is August Over Yet?

I guess everyone is on vacation as there is not even much spam! Very tough keeping you all entertained when there is so little to prompt the mind. It is like when I worked for Kenny Roberts in Spain and I was warned that everyone went on holiday in August, so do not plan on getting anything done. Did not treat that advice the way I should, and was pretty shocked when everything, and I mean everything, "cerado por vaccasiones" or something like that in Spanish on the door.

Great race between Montoya and Ambrose at Watkins Glen yesterday, even kept me watching. Good clean hard racing, Ambrose must have enjoyed that, like being back  in the V8Supertourers. Pity Marcus missed out on second right at the end, he deserved second. Nice to see Montoya win again, now we need him to win on a speedway.

Elsewhere Franchitti won at Mid Ohio, not that I watched. Chip Ganassi had a dream weekend, Grand Am, NASCAR and IRL victories. I had that lazy day reading a book apart from NASCAR. Vergne continues his winning ways in F3 and must be winning himself a seat in an F1 car the way he is driving. Spengler won the DTM race, and BTCC  saw Plato win a couple of races and retake the championship lead, and in a Chevrolet.

Even the motorcycle world is quiet, I guess because it is run by Spaniards and Italians and they are on vacation.

I'm off to the printers to look at the business cards and pick card stock, looking to get the video updated again with the casistas added, and the web site is also being updated. Next presentation tomorrow evening, so we roll on.

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