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Day After

The day after a long weekend of racing and not much stirring the blood. Lewis continues to dominate the news with some observers agreeing he was badly treated for trying to overtake on a track that is nearly impossible. Now the Station Hairpin, showing my age, was never on, the only move that worked there was Schumacher on Rosberg and as team mates they gave each other room. Lewis was never far enough alongside Massa to do it, and without the benefit of replay I do not think he was far enough alongside Maldanado to make it stick. His move on Schumacher earlier at that corner seemed to me to almost wheel to wheel and Michael had to let him have it. Whatever the circumstances his comments afterwards were totally out of order, as I think he has since realised, but the damage is done. He says he is not changing his approach and if he continues to be penalized he will quit F1, which is again a silly comment from one of the top drivers. Is he missing his father's steadying hand, or was that what caused the split?

Joe Saward has some interesting photos of the two passes at Ste-Devote:

It's all just inches, but it looks to me that he was further alongside Michael, and not convinced that Maldanado moved over on Lewis, you'd have to look at Maldanado's previous laps to see what his usual line was.

Eric Boullier is playing down the stories of Lotus Renault's financial problems, saying all is well. He is telling Heidfeld that he needs to lift his game though. I must say I think we all expected more out of Nick, but perhaps this is why he was without a drive?

Bahrain has again come out and said they are ready to stage the race. You all know my thoughts on this, but read the BS on pit pass.

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