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Black Day

On the day when those heroes on the World Motorsport Council vote to reinstate Bahrain, unanimously, our National Radio Broadcaster, NPR had the following item.

Nice one guys, you just proved what a bunch of gutless individuals you are. How can a vote on something so contentious be "unanimous?" Is this just a case of we must all be seen to be in this together? Is Bernie right when he says it's not about the money? There has to be something else going on here.

The only person with the courage of his convictions is Damon Hill, and why are we not surprised. Damon's quote is spot on.

"It is important that Formula One is not seen to be only interested in putting on the show, whatever the circumstances, " Hill concluded. "You can't just base your decision to hold a race in a country on that country's ability to pay."

Hill's comments come in the light of another flippant remark from Bernie Ecclestone. He told CNN: "What's our problem in the world at the moment? Too many over-educated people. If we can find a way to do something about that then a lot of our problems will disappear." Oh Bernie, how can you? How can CVC allow this to go on?

Again I find myself in agreement with Max Mosely. He said reinstating Bahrain "would represent 'a public relations disaster' for the sport – asserting that if he was still FIA President, the grand prix would be rescheduled 'over my dead body." Well said.

Well I for one am not going to watch it and urge others to do the same. It is India I feel sorry for. They now face the prospect of trying to sell tickets while the teams are saying a race on Dec 11 is impossible for their staff. If they stick to their guns they will not go, but they have not shown any willingness to stand up to Bernie to date.

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