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Once again we see Indycar shoot itself in the foot with the debacle at Baltimore. At the risk of being repetitive, why run a race to show off your sport and/or a city and not take the necessary steps to make sure it runs right and puts on a show? We had Detroit earlier in the year, and of course the usual crash fest at Sao Paulo, and Edmonton is a disaster waiting to happen. There are people who know how to do this, and I'm not just saying me. Kirk Russell, late of CART, set up St Petersburg, and while I don't like all of it, it is safe and done well. Baltimore had twelve months to sort this out, despite the change of promoter, and learned nothing from the same problem in San Jose. Yes it takes some investment, but once spent it reaps the rewards of an ongoing successful show.

Speaking of investment, I want to applaud my client at Mooresville Motorplex, Justin Marks and his partners, for making the investment to do it right, setting a new standard for karting in the US. And the rewards have started even before we have finished. SPEED were on site Wednesday for three hours for a show next week. Has SPEED ever shown karting? NBC is coming September 14 for a reality show episode, and Justin has two major races booked for next year already. It is such a pleasant change from previous clients I will not mention. 

My absence from blogs recently is partly down to working all hours to finish Mooresville, but also due to the lack of anything interesting. F1 has been on its holidays, and not much else stirs the blood. Spa has predictably been wet, but congratulations to Button on his pole for the race. Interesting grid could make for a good race, but how long is Sir Frank going to put up with Maldanado? While the check still clears I guess. He obviously has a good car this year, now he just needs someone to drive it.

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