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Entries in Bahar (1)


Tony Fernandes says he built his Lotus Team from one screw. Well he should be happy, Dany Bahar just provided the second one. Nothing I have read makes me like Dany, so let's hope the judge sorts this out the right way.

The other Lotus say they have five weeks to sort out a replacement for Kubica. Well the Jerez test starts tomorrow with only one more opportunity for a new driver to get up to speed in the car at the Barcelona test one week later. Let me know how this works out for you. Some people are just working out what I said two days ago, Kimi is not contracted to anyone as he is running his own rally team, renting the car from Citroen.

Nice to see Nissan back in Le Mans as an engine supplier to the Signature LMP2 team. We are seeing some new manufacturers coming in which is good as long as they do  not all bail out when they have had enough as past history has shown.

Aside from these tidbits there is little news, but let's look forward to Jerez and a lot of new cars.