Entries in Fearnell (1)
R.I.P Robert Fearnell

Very sad to hear of Robert Fearnell's passing at the age of 57. I met Robert first at Donnington in 1988 and on several occasions after as part of ROPA. One of the real good guys with a solid background in the sport, like so many that England produces. Too young.
The last test for F1 has been completed and produced very close times, with Caterham doing surprisingly well. The other two new boys were conspicuous by their absence, so not expecting too much from them. Kimi and Lotus set the fastest time of the week, but we will really have to wait until Melbourne to see who was sandbagging. Red Bull brought out their real parts this week and suffered a lot of reliability issues, but don't count them out. They seem to have found a way to still use the exhaust gas, but my understanding is that Charlie has said anything that helps the aerodynamics will be ruled out. Could be interesting.
Elsewhere the situation in Austin just gets worse with Tavo now suing the rest of the boys. I've been in this sort of mess when I promoted Phillip Island so I know how it distracts you from the real problems. Following the USF1 debacle the rest of the world must wonder if we know what we are doing.
VJ Mallya's problems continue to mount with the Indian Tax Authorities freezing his airline's accounts.