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Entries in Magny Cours (2)

This and That

Why would HRT, a team desperately trying to be Spanish, hire a Chinese reserve driver with no record? Does he bring a big bag of money? HRT are certainly not selling anything in China to warrant trying to gain exposure there. They now have a 30+ Spanish lady driver and a 24 year old Chinese guy, neither with any obvious credentials. Sounds like a great test and back up team. Come to think of it why would we expect anything else. As we would say in Oz, all they need is a tent and elephants and they would have a circus.

Argentina look pretty certain to have a F1 race in 2013, on yet another Tilke masterpiece, while one of his other gems, Korea, is likely to be dropped as they cannot pay the fee. That was a great investment wasn't it? Anyone in Texas watching this?

Meanwhile Magny Cours is asking why no one is looking at their track to stage a revived French GP? It is said that it is too remote, but I have been to both Magny Cours and Paul Ricard, and let me tell you Paul Ricard is not exactly downtown anywhere either. Maybe Bernie's involvement at Paul Ricard has something to do with it, or the politics of the Magny Cours Department?

Spa is supposed to be alternating with a French GP, but the Belgian locals are not much in favor of that and have a petition going. If, like me, you think only seeing a race at Spa every other year while suffering Bahrain each year is too much to bear, please go on to the web site and sign the petition.

On a last note, unsurprisingly, Lotus, the car maker, can no longer afford the sponsorship for the F1 team that carries its name, nor will it be able to buy into the team. The real team owners say they are happy to continue with the Lotus name anyway. Thank goodness after all that wrangling.

Like a Virgin?

Sir Richard Branson is not sure if he really likes a Virgin, which is odd for a team bearing his company name, not just sponsorship. I have commented before about his seeming lack of commitment, but it is really odd the way he has confirmed that he will continue to support the Virgin Racing team in 2011. And then? He is saying Virgin is willing to accept less branding on the car so that more sponsorship from other companies can be brought into the team. An exit strategy?

Superleague raced at a new track in Mongolia this weekend, Ordos, built by the Government for around $140 m by all accounts. There is a lot of discussion on the future of motorsport. Perhaps we are seeing it. As the populations of developed countries get distracted by other attractions, and building and operating tracks gets more difficult, the underdeveloped world is waking up to it as a sport and economic benefit.

Is Casey Stoner another John Koscinski? He seems to be able to win even on a bike he is not sure about the set up. John seemed to be able to ride around set up problems if his head was right, and maybe this is what we are seeing with Casey? There were some questions raised about his odd drops in form and mysterious injuries. The mind of a motorcycle racer is a powerful thing, and one not to be underestimated. No love lost between Rossi and Lorenzo, not that we thought their was any to start with. Yamaha vs Ducati next season could be very interesting, and let's not forget Casey on Honda with Pedrosa. Pity the size of the field is still disappointing. Not sure I like Motegi, bridges always bother me, and I know there are bridges at Suzuka and Road Atlanta, but not something I would put in a track by choice. Acres of gravel, even on the inside of corners!

Good racing both in Japan and France, surprised there were not more people watching in Japan, home of the motorcycle and with Motegi so close to Tokyo. WSBK in Magny Cours had a decent crowd considering how hard it is to get to.

On four wheels Michael Schumacher says he has the answer to framing a new Team Orders regulation. "I have a very clear position on what I think about team orders." I bet you do Michael, and I also bet we all know what that will be. Move over and let me through. I love Lewis Hamilton's comment that there was no value in beating Schumacher, "he's mostly racing behind me."