Just when we have a World Endurance Championship back one of the key players decides to quit! Peugeot say they are stopping to concentrate on their brand launches, but I do not buy that for a minute. What better place to showcase your brands? Are they afraid that the ACO might finally get the equivalence formula correct? After such a successful season it is hard to believe they won't think they can be competitive next year. It is also hard to think that Toyota is scaring them off, they have a hybrid of their own. Can't wait to see what emerges out of this. Presumably Audi is still in, they ran a long time as the only car to beat, and they have the new car being tested already. I for one will miss those gorgeous 908s.
Elsewhere the big news is New Jersey appoints a President and COO, so something is finally being seen to happen. Damon Hill has come out and endorsed the Bahrain F1 GP being staged, and he has been there to see for himself, so what he says must be taken seriously. The track recently reinstated those staff "fired" early last year, and there are steps being taken to democratize the place. Now we have to see if the opposition agrees.
At the same time the Nurburgring announces 100 jobs cut from the staff, how many do they have for goodness sake? No wonder they are losing money. They hope to stage a GP in 2013. Bernie has been off for a little private meeting with the Valencia President about their race fees, and presumably the sharing of the race with Barcelona. No wonder Bernie is pushing to have Bahrain back.