Entries in Soccer (2)

Can't keep Texas out of the news these days. The State should be pleased with the publicity, but I'm not sure this is the type they were looking for.
So what gives? Is COTA going to follow India, Korea and Shanghai, and Turkey before it lost the F1 race, as F1 tracks that cannot afford to be kept open for other than the GP? The track says it is still staging major events, and is changing direction. Whatever that means. I cannot imagine that here in the US there are not enough people wanting to rent the track not to be worth taking their money. And it seems they have taken the money, cashed the check! This is becoming a pattern. First they fall out with Tavo over the F1 race, then Kevin Schwantz over the MotoGP, and now track renters.
Perhaps the noise complaints have forced this, but they did not put up much of a fight if that is so, and most of this type of use is road cars anyway.
Perhaps they are going to manage the track days etc themselves, but if so why not say so. This is creating bad feeling with the grass roots, and doubts about the viability of the track. And I can't imagine the politicians who are forking out millions to back this are going to be too happy if their constituents can't use it. Watch this space I guess. As readers know I have never understood the economics of this track.
Over to soccer, and after my blog the other day about the use of arms these days, there on Sky Sports is a discussion on "grappling." Glad I am not the only one who thinks this is a problem.
Texas and More

It seems that the owner of the Dallas Cowboys, Jerry Jones, and his coach, knew nothing about Jerry Brown, the intoxicated center who killed his friend, being on the sideline at the recent game until they saw him there. Lucky he was not suited up and playing I guess? Is their security so lax that this can happen, and are they saying they would not have let it happen if they knew? He has their full support after all.
Meanwhile, over at COTA the first complaints about traffic and noise are being heard. Welcome to the world of owning a race track. Reminds me of Phillip Island. "Can't we just have the Grand Prix?"
I have decided that to keep my readers entertained I will digress to sports other than motor racing. I have played a fair few in my time and seen even more. I grew up in England so I am an avid soccer fan, supporting Tottenham heaven help me. Since when did soccer become an arm wrestling contest? Whether it is going up to head a ball with elbows flying, holding on to shirts and arm, wrestling each other at a corner or free kick, or just generally fending players off, I have never seen so much arm being used. And if they are both doing it that's OK it seems, and if you do not try hard enough then it is equally OK to be pushed over according to most commentators. Why not give all of those with their hands on someone a yellow card at the first corner or free kick, that should stop it for the rest of the game. It was nice to see Fellaini of Everton receiving a three match ban for that cynical head butt, after looking around to make sure the Ref was not looking. The camera was though, and full marks for the other player for not retaliating.
On the subject of bans, an NFL player was recently given a four game ban for PED's. Performance enhancing drugs. Compare that to the persecution Lance Armstrong is receiving. I for one am still waiting to hear what this "most comprehensive doping system" consisted of, what drugs were involved, and how did they evade the constant and irregular testing? Once I have some evidence, not just charges, then I will decide for myself. And in the end if he only beat other athletes doing the same thing, then were his results not still worthy? I have never smoked, let alone taken a drug, so I in no way condone this, but neither do I accept all that I hear on face value. There is much more to this we do not know.