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In a masterful English understatement David Hobbs call the pit exit in Korea "unfortunate." Hamilton almost showed us what will happen at pit in if they try and keep their speed high to avoid being rear ended. Apparently the new curb at Turn 16 is coming up already, and the track is getting bumpier. And tomorrow it is going to rain. I am tired of people, journalists mainly, saying it is going to be exciting. I repeat we are trying to run a professional sport here, not a circus or a lottery. I am surprised that no one has hit a wall yet, but that tells me however hard it looks like they are trying, the drivers are not at ten tenths.

I am sure you are getting tired of me harping on about Korea, but it just annoys me so much as a professional designer and builder to see something like this being built. They spent $250m on this, and as I have said before, it costs no more to build it correctly as to do it wrong. Let's hope tomorrow does not see a big accident, but I fear Turn 1 at the start is not going to be pretty.

It is a testament to the top teams that they can come to a new track and all be so close on set up. The simulation though predicted a 1 min 44 sec lap, so that did not work too well.

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