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Is everyone happy now? We had an exciting "race" in Korea. Maybe I am too much of a purist, but all this needed was a tent and elephants to be a circus. Someone can help me out here, but didn't there used to be a rule that if it had not rained all previous sessions then a short practice in the wet would be added? Then there is this stupid parc ferme rule about not being able to change the set up on the car. That is a safety issue in these conditions. I know why they are doing it, it is just how they are doing it that is wrong.

The surface seems to be just like the one we laid in Adelaide in 1985 when everyone was paranoid about the track coming up. Very hard and very tight, like slate, so all the dust sits up on it in the dry and all the water when it is wet. That was why Adelaide was stopped a couple of times in the rain. It is funny that after having complained about the track Friday and Saturday David Hobbs said today how great it was. Some direction there? I loved Steve's comment that the water was sitting above the oil. Not the last time I looked. Engage brain before opening mouth.I know what you are trying to say Steve, just think before you say it.

I wonder if Mark Webber is still "clutching at straws" to find anything to critisize? Wall too close was I think what he said, and he would be right. I was waiting all weekend for someone to spin out of one of these corners and hit those inside walls. And I loved the fact that they drove the crane across the track to move his car when it was right next to an emergency gap. Petrov's accident was entirely predictable, and how Button kept the car off the walls in that Turn 17 I don't think even he knows. I loved the fact that like Singapore and there being marshals right where he stopped, Vettel had to grab an extinguisher and put the fire out himself.

I said a month or so ago that the eight engine rule was about to bite. These next two races will be interesting, but can someone explain how repairing a water pump in an engine can be done without penalty? Is the water pump not part of the engine? They had to take the engine out to do it.

I guess we should be happy this is the Championship no one wants to win. Every time we get a new leader he throws it away. I don't know where Button's head was at, he did not seem like a Champion trying to defend his crown.

I would love to ask the Koreans who paid for this debacle if they think it was worth $250 million to get bad publicity? Shades of Dallas. I was never interested in going to Korea anyway, but nothing I saw and heard would make me want to rush off to this new city. They need to get rid of the snakes first.

The only people who can really be happy about this race is Alonso and Bernie. It certainly was not a weekend worthy of the pinnacle of motorsport.

Reader Comments (1)

What annoyed me about the media coverage, was the incessant reports of " Love Hotels" being tagged as brothels. In fact, they are nothing of the sort. People in Japan and Korea live in small crowded apartments, and often with their parents and in-laws.
Couples often go to a "love hotel" to enjoy them selves , as they cannot do that at home.
I read where a couple of journalists were" summoned" to Bernie for a dressing down.
I thought the race was interesting, but, not mind shattering, but, nowdays, how many races are?
Even this years Suzuka telecast was boring and I gave it the flick.

RED BULL certainly are a strange team.. Christian Horner said that under the 2009 points scheme, Vettel is only 10 points behind. Someone should tell him that the 2009 points scheme is not being used in 2010.
Alonso will take this championship away from RED BULL, due to the stupidity of RED BULL managements' refusal to support Mark Webber.

October 25, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPeter G

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