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One of the results of moving is changing the time zones. Has some good consequences, football starts early and we do not have to stay up all night to watch. On the other hand events like the Tour de France starts around 4 am! Good job they repeat it. We have a great race going, sure Lance is out of the running but he is hanging in there to finish and we have a terrific duel going on between Schleck and Contador. Great mental sparring going on and they are in a class of their own this year, except "class" is not a word I would use for Contador after today's move on Schleck. I cannot believe that Lance or one of the other greats would have taken advantage of a mechanical problem of his rival.

It is taking some time to get the house sorted, but it has only been two days. Kitchen is nearly done, but still boxes everywhere. Still found time to put the finishing touches to the web site, all we need now is the logo. Getting together this morning with the other partners so maybe we can decide on the final design. It will be good to catch up with the other guys and find out what has gone on while I have been moving.

My great friend Snoopy, who is French, says he cannot believe how much we move, Europeans cannot leave home like that. If I had lived in France perhaps I could not either, but England in the late 60's was not fun, and besides, most people in this sport have to move. When I worked with Kenny I asked why there were so many Australians and New Zealanders, and he said they were used to traveling and living in different countries.

Fantastic result for Valentino Rossi yesterday, he held nothing back despite the leg, fighting with Stoner for the last podium spot. Commentators made a lot of him riding with his broken leg, and sure that is very gutsy, but not unusual for motorcycle riders. Doohan rode just about all season with a broken leg and a thumb brake. Still do not know how they do it given the amount of effort it takes with the legs to turn these machines. Nice to see that Roger Hayden will replace De Puniet rather than some geriatric test rider, as it should be, give the young guys an opportunity.

Buemi says he has now decided to re-sign with Torro Rosso, but Glock is one of the drivers being tipped to replace Petrov, despite a pretty good rookie season. Renault are obviously looking to build a serious team again.

Bernie is playing his usual games, saying he does not really need the Monaco GP. He tried to get rid of it once before as he does not control it and they do not pay the fess like everyone else, but the sponsors told him he had to keep it. Maybe the reduction in sponsor support has given him ammunition to do it this time. He is looking to bring in India and Russia, while keeping the teams happy by limiting the number of races to twenty. At the same time that argument over the logos on team trucks continues. It seems so petty I can only imagine APM is hurting for signage money.

Red Bull owner Dietrich Mateschitz assures us that he will give both his drivers equal treatment even if it costs them the title. They cannot shut up about it can they? Just show us, don't tell us. Ferrari's Team Manager has told his men that anyone who does not still believe they can win the Championship can leave now. I like that.

IRL put on their annual crash fest in Toronto, and elsewhere Carl Edwards pulled his usual stunt to win a race."We came here to win," even if you kill someone I suppose? Grand Am had a race in New Jersey, but did anyone notice?

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