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Heat, we love it. Had breakfast outside this morning, no humidity and a great temperature. Place is looking like home already. This is what I remember from my years in Alice Springs, yes the sun is strong if you are stupid enough to stand out in it, but shade is great.

Had a very good session yesterday getting up to speed on the project. Visited with the architect on the graphic renderings of the track layout and buildings for the presentations. This is going to really surprise people, and not just in the US! This will be something really special, and the track layout I like more every time I look at it. Logo is just about there and web site will launch in two weeks. There will be a blog page on it with the latest development news and this blog will also be added to it. I will continue under this log in as well so you can take your pick.

San Antonio is looking to build a first stage of their track all in the base of the quarry, so hopefully that project will move forward. Still no news from Singapore or Saudi, but one of the expert witness cases is moving again. The wheels of justice grind exceedingly slow, but exceedingly fine, as someone once said.

Carl Edwards latest move at the weekend is not winning him many friends in the paddock, and the media are asking if the NASCAR move to allow more freedom for these guys to hit each other has gone a tad too far. Someone is going to get really hurt here soon, not that I want to take all the "rubbing" out of the racing, just the purposeful hit to take someone out.

You have heard me talk about Jeremy Burgess, the man behind Valentino Rossi, Mick Doohan and countless other Champions. Well it seems Jeremy is not likely to go to Ducati with Rossi, wishing to stay at Yamaha. Perhaps he sees Lorenzo as the future? Of course he plays down his value, it is a team thing, they can do without me. Yeh right Jeremy, I have been around you for twenty five years so tell that to someone else.

Jacques Villeneuve's F1 team bid has been rumored to be backed by Gadafi's son, with ties to the state owned oil company Tamoil. He denies it, but it reminded me of when I was promoting the USGP at Laguna for Kenny back in 1993. We were having trouble interesting US companies in sponsoring the race, and a "French Connection" said he had a deal for us, but could not tell us who it was. OK, the money was good, but as we got close to the race I said we had to start making signage so I needed to know who it was. He told us it was an oil company. Great, I thought, Total. Well, they then said they were working on State Dept. clearance! That ran up a few red flags. Iraq? can't be. No he said it is OK,  it is Tamoil, from Libya! In 1993 we were not so friendly as now with Libya, so I could see some definite downsides to the USGP being backed by a Libyan oil company. Grid girls in yashmaks? Libyan suicide squads parachuting from the sky? Needless to say we said thanks, but no thanks.

Lastly, there is a great piece on the Jaguar effort in the ALMS and Le Mans on the Last Turn Club page, I believe this is what I have been saying for a couple of months now. Sad.

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