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"The devil is in the details" as they always say, and they would be correct. Starting something like Sol Real from absolute scratch is about details, and what to attack first. Projects evolve, so you do not want to lock into some things too early, but you still have to give sensible answers to questions, and "I don't know" does not instill confidence. Following the successful first presentation we met yesterday to go over the questions that prompt the need to fine tune the details of our package. Country Clubs for motorsport are still in their early stage of development as an idea, and each of the existing  clubs are working from their own model, so there is not a set path to follow, which is both good and bad. There are so many possible scenarios as well, and some of the answers will have to be developed over time and experience.

Working through mundane stuff like business cards and some corporate clothing takes time, but are important part of building our brand. More meetings scheduled in the coming days with small groups or individuals, and a group presentation will be staged every Tuesday from now on. Moving forward and moving fast!

Not a lot else going on. ALMS at Mid-Ohio this weekend, but don't look for it on TV, it is delayed a week. Hope I can remember or be bothered to watch by then. How can you take this seriously with this sort of timetable. Can you imagine NASCAR doing this?

Reader Comments (1)

Hey Bob, what is one person's mundane is another's fun. I love creating branding - everything from logos to stationery, signage, merchandise ... all of it. I love it - it's far from mundane. :) But then I can't design a race track if I tried. Got Atcho news to share with you too.

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