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Fuel Cans and Button Up Boots

For the largest motor racing organisation in the US NASCAR remains in the dark ages in some respects. Manual jacks with a guy running around carrying it. 5 stud wheels and big men carrying cans of fuel. We saw last night at Richmond what the inevitable consequence of that last item is, an inferno as the nozzle malfunctioned and fuel ignited, probably on the hot rotor of the rear wheel while the wheel was being changed. I feel for the three injured guys, especially the wheel changer, he must have been inside it. Why have the fuel cap over the rear wheel anyway? 

It does not take a malfunction for this to hapen though. We see at every pit stop fuel sloshing around as the can is withdrawn. What major race series in the world still fills cars from fuel cans? Even Indycar with what I would expect are far less budgets can afford dry break fuel rigs. We are no longer looking at good old boys in their stock cars, this is a highly professional sport run in the main by highly technically competent teams. So why do we still do this type of thing? Culture I expect, like the bumps around Sebring. As I have said before, if we did not change we would still be racing Roman Chariots. But then there would be no risk of fire. 

I commend the fire marshals, on the spot, fast reactions and had the fire out quickly. Well done, and brave too with open face helmets! Again, why would you ask someone to go to that conflagration with his face exposed? 

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