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Entries in Courtesy (1)

Staten Island

Those journalists who take the Staten Island F1 track seriously should really do their homework and check out what happened when ISC tried to build a speedway. Now I suspect ISC actually has a bit more clout than Bernie in the US, but their project got no further than the first Planning Meeting, which the police closed down after about half an hour. One union guy had a Planning Board member in a head lock as I recall. ISC were looking at all sorts of ways to get spectators to the event as the four bridges are already at capacity, so buses and ferries. Getting in and out of here would make the old Silverstone look like a picnic. The opposition was so strong ISC dropped the project despite having spent a bundle on it.

We are two days away from the start of the F1 season and all the news is about Vettel shearing sheep? Not much else going on. Webber is the latest driver to come out against the movable wing, asking why he has to use it in qualifying? The answer is he does not, he just won't be as fast as those that do.

On a personal note, why is it that people who approach you about being involved in a project cannot have the courtesy to acknowledge your response, or give you a reply? No, they just disappear. Do they expect me to work for free or for "equity." I cannot believe that anyone worth hiring is going to charge them less or be willing to travel half way around the world at your own time and expense. If they do then they are talking to the wrong guy. I have not done this for over 25 years to be going around cap in hand. It also amazes me when I am asked to submit a list of qualifications or a bid. If you have found me then I would presume you know my qualifications, they are a matter of public record, and I know the person who will be assessing my qualifications is unlikely to be qualified to do so. And would you ask one of the world class architects, such as Pei, to bid on a project? No, you select him on merit and then argue about the fee. So much for today's pet peeve.