Entries in Marquez (1)
Stewart, NASCAR, Watkins Glen

Let me say at the outset that I am extremely sorry for the family of Kevin Ward Jr. No one deserves to die doing what they love, especially in these circumstances. However, I have on numerous occasions have had cause to remind drivers who are out of their cars at the scene of a crash that they are not immortal. They have just crashed there and so can someone else. Get over the barrier. It is unfortunate that it is part of the NASCAR and Sprint Car culture to wait and find the 'culprit" and wag the finger or throw something, all with cars going past, albeit at non-race speed. As we have seen they do not need to be going at race speed to inflict mortal injuries. This has to stop.
As with most of the expert witness cases I handle the only person who really knows what happened is no longer alive to tell the story. Only Kevin really knows what he did, I am sure Tony was not expecting it. What is remarkable is the Sheriff's involvement. I can only recall one case where the police attended, rare in itself, and conducted an investigation. Usually they decide this is a private facility and leave. On one case they did detail the fight that followed the accident and injury, but not the accident!
So why this case? Is Tony really seen to be a driver likely to run over someone on purpose? No way, he may be tough, but he lives for racing, and I for one cannot believe it. From the video I have seen it looks as if the rear wheels move away from Kevin, not toward. If it were Jimmy Johnson, Jeff Gordon, or Jr. would the police really be looking at this?
So Tony does not drive at Watkins Glen, and rightly so. We saw some great racing, especially my Aussie mate Ambrose showing them how to really drive. Some hard racing but clean. Well done AJ, fought for and deserved that first win. I still find it hard to perceive that oval racing is so different that guys like Ambrose and Montoya cannot translate their obvious world class talent into oval wins, but it obviously is.
What was graphically demonstrated was how in need of an full course update Watkins Glen is. I have offered to go up and provide a report but of course NASCAR knows better. That is why we still use sand barrels and tire walls built totally wrong. Several drivers offered the same comment but then said it would cost too much. Watkins Glen is owned by the largest track owner in the world, ISC, and they cannot afford it? I loved Alan Bestwick's comment that the track narrows near the site of the big crash due to a "natural feature," meaning the tunnel. What, it was there before they built the track? Just one of the many ill-informed comments. This layout is great, it just needs bringing up to modern standards, and yes you can accommodate different users and configurations. Even the guard rail is still acceptable, it did not fail and was a softer hit than a concrete wall. Just a pain to repair. It is just in the wrong place on most of the track.
Marquez won his tenth straight MotoGP at Indy, but who was there to see it. Red Bull must be paying for all this as the crowd certainly isn't. Same story with the Tudor Sports car race which thankfully is not to return. MotoGP needs to go to tracks that show off their product, not just somewhere that pays the most.