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Entries in Raikkonen (22)


All the news today is about Kubica's accident in a rally in Italy. I'm sure there will be a lot of people saying he should not be doing it anyway, but he is a racer in the old mould and like Kimi wants to do what he enjoys. Let's all hope he makes a good and complete recovery, but the hand sounds bad and with the complexity of modern F1 steering wheels that could be a long term problem. This does not sound like a short recovery, so Renault have a problem. It seems they have a competitive car that can win races, but who do they have to drive it that can do that for them. They have a raft of "third drivers" including Bruno Senna and Grosjean, but neither of these would float my boat if I were Boullier. I would be round Kimi's place with a big fat contract right now. Kimi is racing his own team, so he can put someone else in the rally car and come back where he belongs. Maybe all the "will he, won't he" go to Renault late last year may have soured the relationship, but the chance to come back in a potentially winning car has to be tempting for someone as driven as Kimi.

Heidfeld and Hulkenburg are also mentioned, as is Luizzi, and they could do well. I would pick Hulkenburg out of those three, but VJ may not want to let him go with the form he has shown at the first test. Whatever the final decision is it makes for an interesting if unfortunate pre-season. Whoever ends up at Renault you can be sure there is a clause about other activities in it, but you can hurt yourself playing tennis, just ask Montoya.

In other news Tony Fernandes of the Team Lotus camp has been awarded a CBE by the Queen for services to industry. Will the judge in the name game case look upon Tony now more favourably he has the Queens' blessing?


Well it is better than Indy Retirement League. Actually it works well, most people know what an Indycar is in the US, not sure anyone knew what a "Champ Car" was. Indycar has woken up from it's winter slumber with a raft of rule changes which will just make it harder for us to understand what is going on, but of course it is for the fans. Engines are the news as in F1, with efficiency being the watchword. The move from V8's to V6's makes sense as most road cars here are running V6's, but to reduce the capacity from 2.4 to 2.2 liter hardly seems worthwhile. Who makes a 2.2 liter? And did 0.2 liters really make it lighter and more efficient? We are still running E85 even though the case for ethanol being "green" has long since been discredited, but I guess if they get sponsorship from Iowa's corn farmers it makes sense. Oh, and we opened an office in LA, just so we can be closer to the media industry. Just what we need is more Hollywood in our racing. If you have a great product they will come to you, it's about the racing stupid.

Christian Horner is assuring us that Red Bull did not break the Resource Agreement, but FOTA are checking anyway. Domenicali said "that he was sure that all the signatories to the agreement would have respected it, although there are always questions of interpretation to be taken into account." I bet there are. That's the problem. Not that I agree with this BS anyway. No one questions Bernie's resources or how much is spent on the tracks and their viability, so why bother with the teams? If a team has broken the Resource rule it seems the recourse is to take that out of future spending, ouch! But is it only a gentleman's agreement or does it have teeth? That always presumes there are gentlemen involved. Domenicali also commented on how quiet the politics were at the moment, but with the new Concorde Agreement yet to be signed there is the dreaded (or welcomed) breakaway series apparently still hanging around , which is there to get a better deal presumably. Domenicali also questioned whether the movable rear wing is going to be better or not, and as I have said, are the fans going to know who is doing what and why.

It turns out that Kimi is going rallying with his own team, Ice 1 Racing, with a Citroen DS3 and his own sponsors. He has run his own team before in F3, so he is no stranger to doing it.

The Nextgen Auto web site has an article with more on our friendly banker Gribkowsky. "It has emerged that the German magazine Stern in its latest edition on Thursday will link the payments to Gribkowsky with a company called Petara — a word made up from the names of Ecclestone’s daughters Petra and Tamara. It is claimed that Gribkowsky’s company GG Consulting was registered on 22 February 2006, a day after he was made a director of Petara." Now is that a stretch linking Petara to Bernie's daughters names? Watch this space.

Norbert Haug has no sympathy for Red Bull complaining about their Renault engine being down on power and wanting "equalization." F1 is not about equalization he says. Here here.

Santander throw their cap in the ring.

It is a bit sad when the news includes items like "Santander ups Ferrari presence with a cap deal." A salary cap perhaps? No, they now have their logo on the front of the Ferrari Official Cap. Now I guess they paid a lot of money for that privilege, but personally I don't give a toss. The front of a Ferrari cap should say "Ferrari" or better still the prancing horse.  Santander are certainly throwing their money around at a time when I heard the Spanish banks are not doing so swell.

Is anyone else fed up with the non-stop nonsense about HRT, horrible racing team. They have left or been thrown out of FOTA, they do or do not have more money coming, they are suing Chandook, and they are going to run an "updated version" of the 2010 car this year, i.e. we have no money to make a new one. They need to just go away, as Bernie said, they are an embarrassment. If they were the real deal surely Santander would throw a few caps their way?

According to Helmut Marko every man and his dog are trying to steal Vettel away. This is another man who just needs to shut up and go away. After the Turkey affair who cares what he thinks anymore.

One of my friends commented on the Rossi photo from "Wrooom" that he looks like a clown. Certainly an odd combination of colors, and he has always played the fool to his adoring crowd, perhaps that is part of his attraction. Apparently his shoulder is taking longer to heal than expected. More games, who knows anymore. No I am not a Rossi fan any more than I am a Schumacher fan. There are some people who may be excellent at what they do, but I just do not like who they are. Watching the BSC Bowl game last night I can admire Farley for his ability, but with so much ability he does not need the attitude.

Kimi Raikkonen has been entered in the WRC by Citroen so that ends the "will he or won't he" that has been going on about returns to F1, driving for Ford, or not driving at all. Now I know people say Kimi has no personality, and on occasion may not "turn up" but I still miss him. When he wanted he could really put on a show and F1 is poorer for not having him.

Korean Paving

I hope Korean paving is good, in fact I hope it is the best in the world. If not we are in for a sorry weekend there. The track has released a communication that the track is 98-99% complete. That's good because the inspection is Monday. They go on to say: "The last crucial element is the top layer of surface asphalt, with other less important things likely to go unfinished."

"The inspection team may put first priority on safety and appropriateness of the race track ahead of other factors such as cleanliness and makeshift stands," Kim admitted.

Work on the final surface layer began on Tuesday(!) and will take six days -- exactly the time available until Charlie Whiting arrives at the venue direct from Suzuka.

"Before the inspection the only thing left to do is working on the surface of the track," Kim confirmed." Oh, is that all?

What has taken so long to start this? The most crucial element of any track is the surface, if it does not hold up then you have no race, ask the guys in Dallas, Montreal, Cleveland, or Spa back in 80's. Not sure why it will take six days, I have taken three on most tracks I've done, and I would have thought these guys would have arranged every ton of mix they can lay their hands on. Not that three days is going to make any difference now.

Sad to hear of the passing of Peter Warr, the Team Manager and Principal for the real Team Lotus. Responsible for guiding the team during those glory days. Let's hope the new Team Lotus, if that is what it is finally called, can match them.

Kimi has come out strongly condemning Renault for using his name in connection with a the second seat, he says he was never interested. So why did his management contact Renault? Playing games with rally teams. His name is linked to a move to Ford or the new Mini for next season. Let's hope whatever he drives he can keep on the road. So, who is driving for Renault? The silly season is back, although there are not many seats really free. It seems there will be one at Force India, but whether it is Sutil or Liuzzi we still do not know. HRT are playing games with who is driving in Japan this weekend, let alone next year. Must be great for the driver's mental preparation.

To mention mental preparation, the tension and concentration in Race Control during a race weekend is a high as the drivers. Having worked in a few, including F1, Le Mans, and MotoGP, I enjoyed the piece on how it works in today's ESPNF1 web page, check it out.

Thanks to those of you that are excited about reading my book, should I write it, which seems pretty inevitable but is a daunting task. Writing this blog every day is sometimes taxing, but at least with the book I do not have to worry about content. My main problem is what to leave out so I do not get sued!


Will the real Lotus please stand up? This situation over the use of "Lotus" would be silly if it were not for the history behind that name. This is a fight between two Malaysian groups that both use the Lotus name. One is Proton, the Malaysian car maker, owned by the Government I think, that owns the rights to make Lotus road cars, and has obviously decided to go racing in a big way. They sponsor a car in IRL for Kato to drive, and have just extended that deal, and have just announced an LMP2 Prototype for 2012. In between they have announced they are sponsoring the ART GP2 team next year. So, despite licensing Tony Fernandes, another Malaysian, to use the Lotus name this year in F1, I guess they have woken up that this is a great name to have if you are going racing and have decided not to renew the agreement, or rescind it, depending on what you read.

The plot thickens, as "Team Lotus," the original F1 Team, was presumably run as a separate entity to the Lotus road cars, and that name is apparently owned by David Hunt, relation of James Hunt F1 Champion. Tony Fernandes says he has acquired the rights from David to use the Team Lotus name next year. It is all headed to the courts to resolve this mess. As nice as it is to see Lotus racing again, some of us would probably have been just as happy to remember them as they were and save us all this. How about "Force Malaysia" Tony?

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, or paddock. It seems FOTA met at Singapore and agreed a "Resource Restriction Agreement" RRA, to run through 2017. Reading between the lines it sounds as if they have just extended the time for the existing "Resource Restriction" out to 2017. Quoting Renault Team Principle, Eric Boullier, "The decision taken last year [with the original RRA] was maybe in a special context with manufacturers threatening to break away for another championship. The RRA in its old version could even have damaged the sport by being too radical and I was keen to change the slope and extending it – and why not? We know we have to enter into a transition period. Everyone has done a reasonable job and I am happy we have signed this agreement."

So, it is business as usual, find as much money as you can and find a way to spend it. Martin Whitmarsh said that a number of loopholes have been closed and the RRA should be harder to fudge in future. Let us remember that this is basically a "Gentlemen's Agreement" between the teams, and there are few gentlemen in that paddock. You just have to look at the ludicrous amounts of money spent on the "motorhomes," McLaren being the biggest offender, to see where it goes. How is that making the racing better? Yes the drivers and engineers need somewhere to work and debrief, but that is a mobile Taj Mahal used for only half the races anyway. Never mind a test team, how big a team and how many trucks does that take to cart around and assemble, let alone run. Can you imagine the kitchen?

Just look at the musical drivers going on. A contract is not worth much apparently. Heidfeld did bring a sponsor to HRT as I suggested, but his drive to the end of the season seems to have lasted one race. Let's see who gets in that hot seat for Japan. Ask Petrov how his contract is going, with Boullier now saying he wants to meet Kimi face-to-face to see how serious he is about returning? Luizzi is confident his contract and good relations with the team will save his seat for next year. Let us know how that works out for you Tonio.