It is interesting how things turn out. After yesterday's blog about emergency response and Berger's accident at Imola guess what is featured as a retrospective on the Autosport web page? Yep, Berger's accident. And my blog of two days ago spoke of a future crisis for FI, and what do we have on ESPN but an article from the past Secretary of FOTA warning of exactly that. Not saying they are reading me, but a nice confirmation from other sources.
So Joe Saward reports that Chris Pook, Bernie's man, is running around Long Beach giving away an F1 GP.
I say giving away as he is saying the promoter, either himself or more likely FOM, will not only put it on for nothing, including all costs of upgrades and staging, but will pay the City a fee! If they are prepared to do this why did they not have a GP in New Jersey yet? And how about Singapore and Melbourne, Valencia and sundry other promoters? Won't they want their money back? This is all too weird.
Talking of Bernie's mates, Ron Walker has finaly decided he needs to retire. We could have told him that a long time ago. Right from the start actually. A good friend who was there at the start told me the story of how Ron turned up at a protest meeting in Albert Park in his Rolls Royce. When my friend suggested to him that it was not very tactful Ron went right off on him. He then turned up at my friend's home in a Mini and demanded to know if he was happy now!
Joe Saward has a piece today about our friends at CVC. It seems that they bought most of the Packer Empire, the other Australian media baron, including Channel Nine, and things aren't going so well on that investment. So selling F1 might just be a bit more attractive than it seemed?
More rats leaving a sinking ship in Sauber and Toro Rosso, not many left in FOTA to man the lifeboats.
On the personal front I worked out I have traveled over 15,000 miles since mid November, 3,500 of that driving, and another 5,000 to go next week! No wonder I feel a bit jaded. Lots of interesting things happening though, including several expert witness cases which will allow me to push the track safety agenda. Race Resorts of America is finally gaining traction and has been rebranded as Race Resorts International to reflect the level at which this is going to operate.
So the boys from Texas have sent Bernie a check for $35m for next years race fee, $10m more than Tavo's deal. So where is Tavo in all this? Good money after bad. The Track President says ticket interest is strong, it had better be, but what are the ticket prices? Nothing on the web site to say, but if it is what Americans are used to paying it will probably just cover the extra fee, let alone running the event and paying back on the track construction.
Austin is not alone, The World Motorsport Council confirmed the 2012 calendar with Austin, Bahrain and Korea, so let's see which of these actually make it. Lots of little adjustments to the sporting code governing F1.
Joe Saward has a great blog today, so log on and have a read: http://joesaward.wordpress.com/
The driver "silly season" is closing. Lotus, i.e. Renault, has Raikkonen but Petrov looks in trouble. Trulli could make way for Ricciardo as he does not have a seat for 2012 yet. Pic is in at Marussia with Timo Glock. No one is safe at Sahara Force India or Toro Rosso. HRT has Pedro de la Rosa and an empty seat. Williams have an empty seat, so who will go there if Rubens doesn't get to stay? Lots of good drivers with no seat, including Grosjean.
Finally getting some sense of order in my life. The trip to Orlando for the Professional Circuit Owners Convention went much better than Germany, great speakers and great information to a quality audience. Finally unpacking the house but still waiting for a load of our stuff to be delivered that National failed to fit on the truck!
FOTA seems to have imploded while I was away, Bernie is laughing all the way to the bank over this. Bernie got control in the first place by telling the teams association, of which he was a member through owning Brabham, to let him do the deals. Have they such short memories? As I always say, do not fight over the last piece of pie, make a bigger one.
As expected there are lots of comments about the events at LVMS last weekend. As I am famous for saying, drivers are like attorneys, they all have an opinion. They range from "Indycar should not race on ovals" from Jimmie Johnson and Mark Webber, to Paul Tracy and Max Mosley who say "let's not over-react." Not two gentlemen with whom I usually agree. Indycar not racing on ovals? Where do they think this all came from? The series name says it all, and they have been racing ovals for over 100 years. Jimmie Johnson should look to NASCAR's short history and the deaths that have occurred.
I have been invited to participate in a panel discussion on radio "Voice of Russia," their world service out of Washington DC. It was to be today at 5 pm EDT, but Gaddafi takes precedence apparently, so it is now scheduled for the same time Friday. Should be interesting, but why does it take a fatality at a high profile race to raise this issue? As I have said before, the top end of racing gets safer cars and tracks, and the vast majority of racers are not being taken care of. In my role as an expert witness I see potential and actual fatalities weekly.
On better things Kevin Magnussen had a run in a GP2 car at Barcelona the last few days, along with GP2 returnees and young guns like Kevin and Alexander Rossi, both of whom acquitted themselves very well, worrying the top of the time sheet. Magnusssen has confirmed however that he is going to FR3.5 with Carlin next year.
The falling out in FOTA continues, and Ross Brawn announces he is concerned there are still loopholes in the exhaust diffuser rules, not that he is using them.
On two wheels, Colin Edwards has announced he is staying in MotoGP with BMW-Suter, one of the Claiming Rule Teams, CRT, i.e. grid make-up teams. Given BMW's poor showing in WSBK why would you think it would be any better in MotoGP?
The latest trouble to hit the upcoming Indian GP is that of visas for those wishing to attend. Did no one associated with the race do their homework on this and the tax issues? The Times of India is reporting delays for drivers, teams, and journalists, and yes the FIA officials. There is even a report Rosberg has been refused! Obviously this not an event of "National Significance." The FIA head of communications is quoted as saying, "if it takes three weeks to get a visa then many people won't be going, including me."
Now I actually have a visa, and yes it took weeks, causing me to miss meetings set up by a Government Authority who should have known better. The system is designed so that you cannot get to the consulate directly to try and speed things up, very frustrating. I was a little surprised, I had not required a visa to go anywhere for years, and with a British Passport foolishly thought this would be simple. Seems nothing is simple in India and they don't really want people to go there, except terrorists.
So, if any team needs a driver, let them know I have a business visa.
That man Martin Whitmarsh is in the news again, he must be vying for attention with Montezemolo who has been in the papers every day this week. It appears FOTA is looking at purchasing part or all of the CVC shares in F1, buying back the farm. There are lots of successful player and team groups who have done this, PGA, ATP, NFL and NBA, and then there is CART. Martin says that the teams owning the sport will bring stability, but you cannot help wondering if the smaller teams, like HRT who is not a member of FOTA, would agree? Anyway, it must be better than a venture capital group just sucking money out musn't it?
On the driver front there are rumors that both Kubica and Petrov could be replaced by Senna and Grosjean, Senna bringing more money then Petrov. Renault has announced that Red Bull is their "factory team," no surprise there, and Boulier is apparently covering the bases by talking to Cosworth. All sounds a bit messy. Rumor yesterday that HRT are to switch to Renault power, leaving Cosworth with one customer, and you can't see how that works financially. Talking of leaving Cosworth, their CEO just did.