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Entries in Checa (7)


Monaco continued to give us some major crashes, and thanks to the design of the modern F1 car they all walked away, figuratively. A couple of things stood out in the race for me. "Controlled aggression" is what they say you need around here, but Lewis forgot about the controlled bit. I don't know if it was the mistake by his engineers in not sending him out early in the Q3 session started this, but I am beginning to wonder where his head is at. You know I am a fan and said after Turkey that Whitmarsh should not be asking him to avoid aggressive moves, but maybe he is seeing something we are not, until today. OK, that aggression got him past Michael, just, but his moves on Masssa and Maldanado where not smart. We saw it on the first lap in Monza last year, and just maybe we have gone over that fine line between great passing moves and stupid ones. I cannot help asking where he would have finished if he had just driven a calm race, probably fourth or fifth. His comment about being called in front of the Stewards 5 times in 6 races "may be because he is black" is a very unfortunate statement by someone not in control. Let's hope an apology is forthcoming.

The other thing I cannot understand is why under a red flag teams are allowed to work on the cars and change tires? Number one this robbed us of a great finish and penalized Alonso and Button. I know it is the rule, I am just at a loss at what that is trying to achieve? It was obvious that no one was going to pass once they all had new tires, the only thing the restart accomplished is Maldanado's car being damaged in a crash.  Vettel has to be congratulated on being able to get that many laps out of the soft tire, I for one could not believe he was not stopping again. The track helped of course, but the still had to drive faultlessly. Mark Webber's luck did not get any better with a delayed pit stop.

Aussie Daniel Ricciardo did his resume no harm by winning the FR 3.5 race, while Alexander Rossi seems to have had a good race before tangling with a back marker.

Kimi finished 27th in his Nationwide debut, and did not enjoy it much by the sound of it, complaining about how hot the cars are. The race was on the same time as the soccer, so missed it, but the commentators agreed he drove well, losing time with a pit exit speeding penalty and split splitter, if that does not sound too odd.

Checa is hot at a freezing Miller Park in the WSBK qualifying, nearly a second if front of second placed man Camier, and over a second on Biaggi.

Now I am going to crave your indulgence and talk about soccer and Barcelona. The Champions League Final was a great match, played in good spirit, but Barcelona were just too good for Man U, in fact too good for anyone. Watching the game it struck me that Barca play the game like a bull fight. Barnard's lost it I hear you say, but bear with me. If you have not seen a bullfight it is a mind game between the matador and the bull. The bull charges into the ring, going for anything and everything, much like Man U started. But as with the bull, that aggression is absorbed and gradually abates as Barca exert a little pressure back, controlling the ball and taunting the other team as happens in the ring with the bull. Eventually the matador uses his cape to mesmerize the bull, just as Barca's short passing game and ball control does to the opposition. At times Man U's defence were static, just watching until the "sword" was applied, the rapier pass through the gap to a player open in front of goal. So 3-1 is the result, and some team has to figure out how to match them at this game. Barca controlled the ball for 70% of the time, and this against one of the other great teams in the world!

If I may continue, I could watch Messi play all day, every day. Not only is he the best player in the world today, perhaps of all time, or will be, but his enjoyment at playing is evident whatever is happening to him. Lewis could learn something here. It does not matter if he has just missed a goal or been taken down by a cynical foul, he gets up smiling. Nothing fazes him. His mind must be amazing. I know mine is more like Lewis'.

Melbourne Saturday

Unusually for Melbourne the weather has been the same for the last three days, cool and grey, if not downright cold for late summer. It did not slow Vettel down though and we must hope he cannot repeat this in the race or it will be him and daylight. Lewis vows to take the race to him, but he needs to find something extra to do that, but who knows what role the tires are going to have on race day. McLaren really performed a minor miracle to put themselves second and fourth, splitting the Red Bulls, with poor old Mark Webber wondering how his team mate can be that much quicker.

Lots of drivers reported KERS problems during practice, and the strangest thing is the report that Vettel did not use it, despite being under last years pole time. So much for slowing the cars down, but I guess they have the DRS, or movable wing, to use everywhere during qualifying. Rumor has it that Red Bull have a very small and light KERS system that is charged in the garage and only used during the start launch. Are they that confident that as long as they are not jumped at the start they are so fast they can stay in front? If the rumor is true obviously they are, but you have to ask why carry any extra weight and added cost and complication for just the start?

Heidfeld in the Renault is one of those that said his missing Q2 was down to no KERS and being balked by traffic, but given the testing form that is really surprising, especially as his young team mate is sixth just behind Alonso in the Ferrari who looked to be driving the wheels of it to even be there. Massa had an awful qualifying and you have to wonder is this the end? His head has obviously been messed with by Alonso and the team and despite all Rob Smedley's encouragement he has just lost it, spinning on his last run as he exited the pits, even Chandook made it to Turn Three.

Thank goodness the HRT cars have been excluded under the 107% rule. I don't care how hard the mechanics worked to get two cars out there, they are slower than GP2 cars and do not deserve to be there. At ten or eleven seconds a lap slower than Vettel they would be lapped every eight laps, and the closing speed is frightening. Colin Kolles says that they will be "even better" in Malaysia. Hard to see how they could be much worse. Can you imagine the cost of transporting the cars and team around the world, and for what?

Virgin and Lotus just snuck in but are six seconds off Vettel's pace which for Lotus must be a huge disappointment. As my Wife said, perhaps they need to concentrate on the car and not court cases over names. The midfield will be tight with a second covering eighth to seventeenth. Perez disappointed in Q2 as he has been quick all weekend, but Kobayashi put his Sauber in ninth with a display of uncontrolled aggression that had you wondering if he could keep it off the wall.

In all an interesting session, and Mercedes are expecting a better showing in the race with Michael missing out on Q3 and out qualified by Rosberg yet again.

Elsewhere Checa took WSBK pole again from Leon Haslam. It's time the BMW had some reward for their investment so this may be their best chance with Leon on home soil and Checa not having the best record at Donnington.

Well done Montoya for taking pole at Fontana, let's see if he can convert that into a speedway win. Congratulations to the Marc VDS squad for winning the first race of the FIA GT1 championship in the Ford GT. Always had a soft spot for that car from the GT40 days. Will Power is leading practice at St Petersburg Indycar race, but ask me if I care. Champion Franchitti is last, but you cannot imagine he is going to stay there.

Checa'd Out

Checked out actually. That is what Carlos Checa did in both WSBK races at Phillip Island today, with Biaggi settling for second in both in front of Haslam Jr. and Melandri in race 1 & 2 respectively. Greg Sarni scolded me for calling Checa and Biaggi geriatrics, and as he rightly points out they can still beat the youngsters, so why should they stop? It is a sad reflection on the state of racing that they can still beat the field. Where are all the next great riders?

There were a few in the race of course, just not at the sharp end other than Haslam. Australian Mark Aitchison started his first WSBK event after limited time on the bike, and as Kenny would tell him, stayed on it and improved. In race one he was over a minute behind the winner, but halved that deficit in the second. Now there may be reasons for that but as we in the US do not actually get to watch the races until this afternoon I guess I will have to wait and see.

Not much else going on. More quotes from Bernie's story, "No Angel," about Alonso who sounds like no angel himself, but most of us knew that already. Not to be outdone by Jenson running a V8Supercar around Bathurst it now seems Lewis is going to swap cars with Tony Stewart at Watkins Glen later this year. Has Lewis ever driven something with a roof?

Petit Activity

Amazingly most of the motorsport web sites have nothing new to say this morning, so little, or "petit" to stir my comments. There does seem to be a lot of interest though in the number of cars likely to enter this year's Petit Le Mans, and the tracks' ability to handle them. Check out Murphy The Bear's very latest offering:

When I was there running Road Atlanta for the first one we were just happy to have entries without worrying about if we had too many. I recall one SCCA event that was delayed in starting and they threw out most of the entries in one session of practice, over eighty cars from memory. Bit of a nightmare and would not want to do that again, but amateur drivers going in all directions. No red flags though.

No such problems for motorcycle racing these days, lucky to have a field. Down at the Island Carlos Checa preserved his pole position for the Superbike Round by winning the "superpole" shootout by a slim margin over his arch geriatric rival Max Biaggi. So the race is anybodies it seems, should be worth a look.

See you all tomorrow.

Monopoly Money

The Boss of the Barcelona Circuit has come out and said that the comments of the Region's new President were in the way of a negotiating ploy to get the future GP fee reduced. He stated the obvious, "It is hard to negotiate with monopoly." In the end all you can do is say no and walk away. He did echo the Presidents comments that due to the inbuilt escalation clause, believed to be 10% a year, the cost of the race by the end of the current contract is "unaffordable."

Interesting in these unsettled times that the Williams float is apparently fully subscribed. There must still be money out there if you can make it look worthwhile, or is it the excitement of owning a piece of an F1 team? Williams CEO Adam Parr came out and said what we suspected, that his team would not have gone to Bahrain if it had not been canceled.

Malaysia, a track built in 1999, is "tired." Strange that tracks like Spa or Monza somehow manage to stay fresh? Perhaps their design does not get old. It was apparently rushed and done cheaply. Really, I bet it cost more than most at the time and took a couple of years to do. Phillip Island cost $5m and was built in less than a year and I do not hear of that being "tired." What they really mean is that the people are tired of it. They had a crowd of less than 100,000 over three days last year, how can you justify the fees for that? The solution? A night race of course. Let's spend a lot of money lighting the track and then hope enough people turn up to make that cost worthwhile. Clutching at straws it seems to me.

The last F1 test is now on March 9 and HRT are reported to be bringing the 2011 car. Ross Brawn tells us he is not concerned about their current form as the car they are running is not what will show up in Melbourne, so let's look forward to that. Red Bull are "sandbagging," and Sam Michael likes both the Pirelli's and Maldonado. Frustrating time of year for us fans isn't it? Who or what do you believe?

The motorcycle world kicks off this weekend at Phillip Island with Checa continuing where he left off in testing by capturing pole for the opening round of the World Superbike. Perhaps Ducati should have dropped the works team in MotoGP and not WSBK? Part of the GP bikes problems are put down to the carbon fiber frame, which is presumably much stiffer than the aluminium. I remember Cagiva coming out with a CF frame in 1990, and having all sorts of problems. As Warren Willling put it, they are starting from scratch as all the previous set ups mean nothing, and it would take a huge amount of time and effort to work out what to do. Cagiva gave up.

Over at IndyCar all is not as well as it seems if Gil de Ferran and Tony Kanaan cannot raise the money to go racing.