It is interesting how things turn out. After yesterday's blog about emergency response and Berger's accident at Imola guess what is featured as a retrospective on the Autosport web page? Yep, Berger's accident. And my blog of two days ago spoke of a future crisis for FI, and what do we have on ESPN but an article from the past Secretary of FOTA warning of exactly that. Not saying they are reading me, but a nice confirmation from other sources.
So Joe Saward reports that Chris Pook, Bernie's man, is running around Long Beach giving away an F1 GP.
I say giving away as he is saying the promoter, either himself or more likely FOM, will not only put it on for nothing, including all costs of upgrades and staging, but will pay the City a fee! If they are prepared to do this why did they not have a GP in New Jersey yet? And how about Singapore and Melbourne, Valencia and sundry other promoters? Won't they want their money back? This is all too weird.
Talking of Bernie's mates, Ron Walker has finaly decided he needs to retire. We could have told him that a long time ago. Right from the start actually. A good friend who was there at the start told me the story of how Ron turned up at a protest meeting in Albert Park in his Rolls Royce. When my friend suggested to him that it was not very tactful Ron went right off on him. He then turned up at my friend's home in a Mini and demanded to know if he was happy now!