A big weekend of racing. MotoGP turned on their usual good show, but Turn 1 at COTA? Tilke missed a great opportunity to make that a really good corner. Instead we have a crash site. But the commentators were at it again. "The most competitive field we have ever seen." Seriously? Where were you in the late 80's and early nineties when Gardner, Doohan, Magee, Rainey, Lawson, Mamola, Koscinski, Sarron, Schwantz and co. were around?
Indycar at Long Beach had its usual accidents at the usual locations. How anyone thinks this can be an F1 track is beyond me. If they left out some of the petunias around the base of the fountain we might have a track wide enough to race on. The Tudor Sports car race was a yawn. Time was when an LMP2 car could beat an LMP1 car around here, but now it cannot even beat a DP.
There is always the quote that "it's a long race" by drivers, even if it is the same length as all the rest, but Saturday evening we really did have a long race. 500 miles around Darlington took forever. I wondered why it started so early. It was all I could do to stay awake.
Which brings me to the point. I come from a European back ground with a spell in Oz, so I am used to watching a sport event without it being turned into a continuous commercial. Sky manages to show an entire F1 race without ads, so why can't Fox or NBC? I know Sky is subscription, but all the sport here in the US is basically on cable which I pay for anyway. NASCAR is by far the worst, a race being one long ad, even when the race is being shown with every opportunity taken to show a sponsor logo for Kentucky Fried, Sprint, Progressive Insurance etc. Then there are the "infomercials" during the sports car races, and Indycar has to go off and interview anyone they can find that they think is a star of anything.
There has to be a template for showing sport in this country that includes three old farts in suits and ties blabbing on, and usually a female studio anchor and pit lane or side line reporter. With an average age of probably sixty the boys on NBC for F1 have about as much chance of bringing in a younger fan than I have of being knighted. Take a look at the Sky guys. They are at a race track and dressed like you would expect at a race. NASCAR and Indycar and even the NFL are all the same. Is this just me or is it that the TV guys know what the average American sports fan wants. A blonde bimbo with big tits.
Now that's off my chest, so to speak, let's look at F1 goings on. Domenicali has fallen on his sword, or was he pushed, and his obvious replacement is a car salesman. First guy I would have picked, not. Perhaps Montezemolo is actually the problem. Bernie's problems are about to get worse with the prosecution dismissing his blackmail defense. But the judge is going to give him days off it seems to run F1. Red Bull lost the appeal, as they should. Whining that they could not keep second place if they obeyed the rules is a strange defence. There are probably twenty other cars out there who feel they could win if allowed to cheat a bit. Or is that just me?
It is interesting how things turn out. After yesterday's blog about emergency response and Berger's accident at Imola guess what is featured as a retrospective on the Autosport web page? Yep, Berger's accident. And my blog of two days ago spoke of a future crisis for FI, and what do we have on ESPN but an article from the past Secretary of FOTA warning of exactly that. Not saying they are reading me, but a nice confirmation from other sources.
So Joe Saward reports that Chris Pook, Bernie's man, is running around Long Beach giving away an F1 GP.
I say giving away as he is saying the promoter, either himself or more likely FOM, will not only put it on for nothing, including all costs of upgrades and staging, but will pay the City a fee! If they are prepared to do this why did they not have a GP in New Jersey yet? And how about Singapore and Melbourne, Valencia and sundry other promoters? Won't they want their money back? This is all too weird.
Talking of Bernie's mates, Ron Walker has finaly decided he needs to retire. We could have told him that a long time ago. Right from the start actually. A good friend who was there at the start told me the story of how Ron turned up at a protest meeting in Albert Park in his Rolls Royce. When my friend suggested to him that it was not very tactful Ron went right off on him. He then turned up at my friend's home in a Mini and demanded to know if he was happy now!
So The City of Long Beach is looking for someone the take over the race on their streets. And who do we think is sending them letters of interest. None other than Bernie and his mate Chris Pook, the man who dropped F1 nearly thirty years ago in favor of CART. Why? Simple, even back then he could not make money on F1 when the fee was around $2m a year. Now it is at least ten times that F1 wants to come back. Yes FOM will be running the event, but you can bet Bernie will get his payday from somewhere. The track as it is now is never going to meet F1 standard, so who is paying for the upgrade? No sitting out in the sun like Indycar, these guys are going to want a pit building. Or is this just a Bernie ploy to stick it to existing promoters?
And then there is Sochi. With Russia invading Ukraine are we seriously going to race in Sochi? I guess some will argue that it is no worse than going to Bahrain, but we should not be going there either. There is not a word being said about Sochi and F1 in any press I have seen, but someone at the FIA and FOM has to be thinking hard about this. Of course, with so much Russian money in F1 now perhaps no one cares to rock the boat. I wonder what it is like to be a Chelsea supporter at the moment. If the UK freezes Russian assets as the US is threatening to do what happens then?
On a better note, testing is over and Australia beckons. Mercedes powered cars seem to have the edge, but it is testing. Well it was for some. The Renault powered cars seem to be in crisis management mode. Still, even Mercedes have their concerns on reliability, so can we see a repeat of Adelaide 85 when four cars finished?
Now I know Nico is not Finish like his Father, but he does know how to finish a race off. There have been the doubters, but he has not been one of them, he just needed the right equipment, set up, and strategy. Congratulations Nico, great drive, but it did bring home the importance in today's era of deteriorating tires that being at the front is a huge advantage. We saw that last year with Vettel, although it was masked by a great car, but we also saw it with Button in Australia. Fighting through traffic after pit stops is quickly taking the edge off the tires, so qualifying at the front and getting there early is key.
Was anyone else surprised my the amount of "marbles" at this race, and so early on? Not something we saw at the end of last year, or at the first two races this year. Not great to see as it limits the overtaking options, although we did see a lot of that despite them.
What an excellent race though, and we are sure to see more of them. Mercedes have cured their tire problem it seems, in these temperatures anyway, but there is Lotus, Sauber, and yes Williams all showing signs they can compete. Now McLaren and Red Bull are going to be at the sharp end week after week, but surely Kimi is going to get in the mix soon, and Perez has also shown he can mix it. Who knows what Ferrari are going to do with that dog of a car. Sad to see Michael's race end that way, and I know I do not like him, but there you are. That's racing, ask Lewis after Malaysia and Jenson yesterday. Pit stops do have the ability to produce some different results.
I loved our SPEED commentators carrying on about amazing it was that Mercedes won after 57 years! Well they did not race for 55 of them so what's the big deal? I suppose when Lotus win we will have the same carry on? Yes I had to suffer through a recorded SPEED coverage as when it was on I was on a plane coming home from a "Racing Goes Safer" conference in Long Beach where I continued my call for better track safety here in the US. If you have not gone on line and watched the Sky coverage and heard Alguersuari's comments then you are missing a lot, and David Hobbs misses most. Love David, but Jaime has current knowledge and what he can tell about what the driver and car is doing is amazing. An eye for detail I have always admired and wondered at in real racers.
I did watch part of the ALMS race live at Long Beach but cannot admit to being very excited by it. The GT's put on the usual show, but we miss the RISI Ferrari and the other overseas cars. Dyson has decided not to go to Le Mans due to the cost and not being able to raise more sponsorship or drivers who can pay. Sad for Rob and Chris, but an expensive experience if you are not competitive.
Watched part of the Indycar race, and let me say they do not look any better in the flesh. Ask Marco Andretti how well the new design of the cars works to prevent flying after riding over the rear wheels of another car. Waste of time and money come to mind?
Finally Bahrain. Enough is being written about the situation without me adding my two bob's worth. Bernie and Jean Todt are getting rattled by the press pressure as they should. At least one team member had the courage to say they would not go for moral reasons, and got fired for their efforts which I think is outrageous. As I said, I for one will vote with my TV remote and will not be watching.